is this the last time


Created by jerry's children 12 years ago
Is this the last time I will see my mother is this the last time I will hold her soft cool bony hand she sleeps, her mouth open ,head tilted back facing upwards to heaven as if asking to be lifted up and taken away she looks so old, she is someone else's old person I never imagined she would be this old I can't imagine I will be this old will she know me when she wakes will she be talking about things that don't exist her eyes sparkling as they always have I will pretend to understand her and give her answers that don't exist she is satisfied with my answers as she moves on to another thought, she has many this isn't so bad or when she wakes will she be angry denying that anything is wrong with her denying the need for help and angry about how help is given to her nothing I say will make a difference I don't know which is worse I wish she could fight to stay alive not fight the people that are trying to keep her alive When will be the last time, when will be the last breath when will she find peace it is coming……….